Sound Solutions:
The correct intervention with Acoustic Treatments can help overcome the problems of noise and reverberation. Sound absorbing acoustic panels that are correctly placed around the room capture sound helping to fix the problem of noise and reverberation. The issue of distance still exists even in the best acoustically treated rooms and the best way to overcome this is by using a Soundfield system, radio aid or both depending on the situation and students’ needs. By introducing the correct type of Soundfield system the teachers voice can be seamlessly distributed around the whole room at a very calm and clear volume level.
There are three main types of Soundfield systems Fixed (installed into the classroom); Movable (potential to be moved occasionally) and portable (can be moved frequently/ as and when needed). There are different benefits to each type of system; we are happy to give advice on the best possible solutions for your individual situations and requirements. RGSS are also able to provide free, no obligation trials of movable and portable systems so schools can realise the benefits before any expenditure.
We have set up and installed thousands of Soundfield systems in the UK over the last 18 years and have a great deal of experience with training and supplying all types of systems.